1 Sept 2012

Hello! Be sure you have everything for your English lessons this school year! "Happy English.ru" student's book is waiting for you in the school library and you'll find necessary workbooks in the bookshop.

Useful links on Section 1: World languages: local and global?

Why is English a global language?

Listen to Global English with Professor David Crystal and post your answers.

by , 01.11.2009

Poster "Foreign languages in my life"

Work in groups of 3-4. Follow the steps in Ex.41 p.19.

P.S. Add the information of "Personal quiz in English" (Ex.1 p.8)

If you like to make your poster interactive, try it by clicking here.
Due to 20th September

11 Jan 2012

How dependent are you on modern technology?

Unit 3
Section 1.  How dependent are you on modern technology? - Какие современные и уникальные технологии будут использоваться в будущем? Как эти технологии смогут изменить жизнь человека? Как можно представить себе дом будущего? Как он будет выглядеть? Какими современными техническими приспособлениями он будет наполнен? Где посмотреть видео на тему «Дом будущего»? Как будет выглядеть автомобиль будущего? Чем он будет оборудован?
  • http://www.futureforall.org/ - a website for all ages dedicated to future technologies: nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognitive, artificial intelligence, the effect of future technologies on society
  • http://www.newsoffuture.com/technology/ - future news in technology - first tourist heading for Mars, beam yourself around the world with telebeamer, will the paralyzed be able to walk in the future?
  • http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-ga...re-technologies – top 5 future technologies
  • http://www.usnews.com/money/business-econo...energy-use.html – 5 future technologies for homes
  • http://www.technologyawards.org/future_technology/ - how future technologies will be improved in comparison with the ones we have today
  • http://www.gaj-it.com/5127/technology-and-...tions-for-2050/ - a look into the future: the year 2050, possible future technology and gadgets
  • http://www.sciencedaily.com/videos/2007/11..._the_future.htm - a look at what scientists are working on today to bring into your homes tomorrow.
  • http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8046659.stm — a video about Microsoft's «future home» - how the company plans to incorporate technology into more areas of life
  • http://i.abcnews.com/WN/SmartHome/story?id...9570&page=1 - what our future lifestyle will look like
  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_car_technologies - encyclopaedia entry about future car technologies
  • http://www.wired.com/autopia/2009/01/1st-pre-product/ - illustrated information about one of the future cars
  • http://www.diseno-art.com/car_future.html – predictions about the future car

Your destiny

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
- Anonymous

7 Jan 2012

Heading for a better new world?

Here you can see some words we are going to use in our discussion during Unit 3.
Wordle: Heading for a better new world?